Week 1 Documentation


What is Life? How would you define it, can you actually define it?
Uncontrollability is the key word for me to answer this question.

I used to have a cat, and he never listened to me, and he was breaking everything in the house. When I saw him scratching and tearing up the sofa, I felt a strong sense of life.
And also, the reason why I think this uncontrollability is interesting is because using this keyword, life could include Artificial Intelligence, human society, and the global environment itself. Sometimes I feel such networks and systems are also living things. So, things that cannot be controlled, this is my definition of life.

What is BioHacking? What does it mean for you?
It’s a new form of literacy. To me, BioHacking is the means to read and write about life.

Why are you interested in Bio?
I am attracted to the colors and shapes of life.
Not only the beauty of birds and insects, but also the stuructual shapes of microorganisms and the expanse of the forest, The aesthetic aspect of biotechnology is very interesting to me.

Written on March 7, 2022