Week 4 Growing Materials



  • Learn and document how to make cultivation media for bacteria and plants
  • Tutorial session (individually or in groups) about your potential final project (zoom or in person).
  • Update your Final Project Page, outline/sketch/describe one or more potential project

I made agar medium based on the following recipe.

DIY Supermarket Medium, 250ml, for 10 Plates

  • Water, 250ml
  • Agar (寒天), 4g
  • Chicken Stock, 2g
  • Sugar. 6g(maybe?) (I forgot to put it in)

I tried to use my own Magnetic Stirrer.


I ended up stirring it in a pot.

After about 2 minutes, it was poured into 9 petri dishes. When pouring into the petri dishes, the stove was lit to achieve sterile conditions. Some parts of the agar had already hardened or had become quite viscous.

After the petri dishes were lidded, they were wrapped one by one in Clingfilm.
// is Clingfilm mean plastc wrap?
→ Yes (Aside from linguistic issues, Parafilm is better for sealing petri dishes)
// How to sample? Can I take the Petridish outside?
→ If you have a specific target to culture, it is better not to take the petri dish outside, but if you don’t even know what can be cultured, as in this “bacteria hunting” case, take the entire petri dish outside.

Personal Project

Magnetic Stirrer

update BOM of my Magntic Stirrer

future plan:

  • Controlled via web browser
Written on March 22, 2022